Be a WABE In Kind Partner

WABE Industry Partners are businesses rooted in content creation, media
and entertainment production and distribution. WABE is dedicated to the
professional growth of its inclusive membership through networking, research,
and community engagement. Our annual convention hosts a venue for showcasing
new technologies, industry education, technical discussions, and networking. We
welcome all individuals, united by their passion for media technology, recognizing
the varied roles within the industry and the importance of collective effort
for progress.

What is a WABE Partner?

Partners of WABE actively engage and support their employees, industry
organizations, and institutions. This includes sharing information of upcoming
WABE events, industry milestones, and potential employment opportunities,
within their organization, and with industry peers. Partners are invited to
participate in our Annual General Meeting. They are encouraged to take part in
the planning and execution of the annual conference and regional meetups.

What can you expect from your Partnership?

WABE partners gain visibility through our website, annual conference,
and related communications using your brand logo. This showcases the valued relationship
and amplifies partners’ presence in our community and industry. Featuring
partners affirm recognition of their contributions and mutual support.
Partnering with WABE demonstrates to sponsors and exhibitors that their
investment is appreciated and enables valuable learning opportunities for
staff, fostering professional growth. Partners also receive an annual recap of
initiatives and progress, providing opportunities for engagement and input into
shaping our programs. This collaborative approach strengthens our partnership
and drives innovation in the industry.