Here are past papers PDF or PowerPoint presentations.

Check the “Learning Centre” for video presentations.


The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity

Network Device Interface Video

2023 Presentations

Monitoring Video, Audio & Anc data in a hybrid SDI – IP

AI – Roy Folkman

Harness The Adrenaline – Gary Shumyla 

ATSC 3 – Calgary Use Case 

Security Resilience & Convergence

Preparing for Technology Changes

Birns and Sawyer

2019 Presentations

15 Free Apps for Broadcasters

Breaking Down the ISED Ruling

Live TV Production and ST 2110

Orchestration of multivendor workflows with 2110

Cyber Security Presentation

SC6 Choking Currents on Guy Wires – CBC_Radio-Canada’s Experimental Testings (WABE version)

Reliable IP Audio